Wireless RS485 Converter (Converting RS485 to Lora wireless) WT100

Quick Info

The Lora RS485 Converter WT100 is specially designed for converting serial port RS485 data to Lora wireless transmission, saving wiring costs.

SKU: WT100 Categories: , ,

Wireless Node WT101 has 4 digital input  channel. It works with LoRa Gateway BL280, supporting wet contact and dry contact(default is wet contact). Collected data is sent to BL280 automatically.
It can be used in various industrial automation monitoring system

  1. Private LoRa communication protocol for simple, safe and reliable connection
  2. Parameters can be set in BL280 configuration software
  3. Unique physical address to be identified from other nodes easily
  4. Smart transmitting mechanism to auto adjust next transmission according to node number once it’s configured with Gateway
  5. Automatic re-connecting to gateway once it’s offline to prevent Open connection between gateway and node

Refer to LoRa Gateway BL280 to download the related documents: